Showing posts with label hard candy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hard candy. Show all posts

Hard Candy Halloween 2010

This year Hard Candy released three limited edition polishes exclusive for Halloween. Hell yeah! 
Halloween polishes are my THANG baby! Then go ahead and tell me they're limited edition and I might not be able to get them... DANG! Slow your roll Hard Candy! Nail Polish + Halloween + Limited Edition = I'll buy a bottle of stale date baby food if it's got a lid with a brush in it.

Limited edition Halloween is totally cool so it's too bad these colors are pretty much played out and overdone. I mean I guess they are ok. It's like, they ARE Halloween colors so how many options are there to actually be unique? At least one of them kinda breaks the mold on traditional Halloween colors.
 Yet another brown/black base with orange glitter. HURRAY! As you can see by the state of this mani this polish is goop city. It was like trying to apply cottage cheese on my nails. It did cover nicely but good lord it was impossible to keep it from clumping up. Just check out the polish tumor on my pinky nail. This is three coats. It could be done in two if you would just take the time to add some thinner to keep it from clumping which I obviously did not do. Or just slap one coat over black.
 Black with silver glitter. This one is possibly the most overdone out of the three. Not only is it a Halloween standard it's also a common color in regular collections. It was the easiest to apply though. This is two coats.
This one is the most unique and it's quite a different color as far as Halloween colors go. The problem with this one is that it has a clear base and the glitter is much too sparse for it to be worn alone. At three coats (shown) it's still transparent and at 4-5 coats, while opaque, it ends up clumpy and goopy and won't dry.

Happy Halloween!

Love, MM

Hard Candy- Beetle

I about flipped my lid when I saw this in Wal-mart last night! I bought it as fast as I could, as if somebody was going to snatch it from me before I could pay for it. I admired it all the way home. I even called my BFF to tell her how amazing it was in the bottle! 

Now, I will just flat out say this, "FUCK YOU FLORESCENT LIGHTING!!!"  Once AGAIN I have been duped into buying a false profit under the disguise of florescent lights. I got home and slapped it on my nails immediately. At half a freakin coat on the first freakin nail I screamed out, "THIS IS ANOTHER DUPE FOR SPACE CADET! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!".

That's right folks. Instead of buying Orly's super new, totally exclusive, ground breaking FX technology in the form of Space Cadet you can now get it from not only Mac in the form of Mean & Green, but you can BUY IT AT WAL-MART. I mean how super exclusive is THAT?
 While this is an exact dupe to Orly Space Cadet and therefore an exact dupe to Mac Mean & Green I like this one the best. I can only speak for Space Cadet and Beetle though, as those are the only two I have. Beetle is at least twice as pigmented as Space Cadet which makes it need way less coats and dry faster. I don't know if you guys have ever actually gotten Space Cadet opaque before but in my experience it takes SO MANY coats that it goops up and never dries. This photo of beetle is at three thin coats. It dried super fast and is totally opaque.
 Here is the comparison of the two in the shade. Space Cadet is at 5 coats here.
 And here they are in the sun.

Let's do a quick price breakdown folks-
Mac Mean & Green = $13
Orly Space Cadet = $10
Hard Candy Beetle = $5

See you at Wal-mart.

Love, MM
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