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Showing posts with label free. Show all posts

Boston Terrier Rescue Fundraiser and Giveaway!!!

 What it is-

This Blog is named after my Boston Terrier "Mugsy the Manatee".  If it weren't for the rescue we adopted him from our family would never have experienced the joy and happiness that Mugsy has blessed us with.  He changed our lives and I won't ever be without a Boston in my family again.  The cold hard facts of the matter are that without donations, rescues can't operate, dogs can't be pulled from kill shelters, and homeless dogs can't be vetted and adopted out to good homes. So, instead of my normal measly giveaways I decided to do this in an effort to raise some cash for Bostons in need, and in turn change the families lives that end up adopting Boston Terriers that would not have otherwise had a second chance.

How it works-

Donate directly to any of the Boston Terrier Rescues listed below via their "donation" links using pay pal.  $1=1 entry, $5=5 entries into the giveaway and so on.  Give as much or as little as you wish. Forward your pay pal email receipt for your donation to with the subject line DONATION. This is how I will track who donated what and how many entries each person has. Please include the name you would like me to use to announce you as the winner, should you win the prizes.  All donation amounts and information will be kept STRICTLY confidential.  If forwarding the receipt to me makes you uncomfortable, feel free to delete out your home address/any personal info.  A screen shot of your donation confirmation emailed to me is also perfectly acceptable.

The Rescues-

American Boston Terrier Rescue

Nebraska Boston Terrier Rescue

Boston Terrier Rescue Net

Boston Terrier Rescue of Florida 

Midwest Boston Terrier Rescue 

North East Boston Terrier Rescue

Mid America Boston Terrier Rescue

If you would like to choose your own Boston Rescue by state you can do so here-
Boston Terrier Rescue

The Giveaway-

This fundraiser will run for 30 days. A winner will be drawn randomly from all entries submitted once the time limit is over.  This winner will receive the bounty of awesome shown below.  If any E-tailer or anyone else would like to sweeten the pot and add to the prize email me @ and I will add in your goodies.

The Current Prize Pool-

Donated by-  A set of 6 Color Club Nail treatments valued at $25  
  Milky White French Base Coat, Dry Ice, Vivid Intensifying Top Coat, Stuck on you, 0-60 Speedy Top Coat, and Vitabase Nail Strengthener.

Donated by- A glorious gift bag of handmade artisan perfumes and soap. 

Perfumes included are- Spellbound woods, Cenobite, Pink Sugar, Whisper of lillies and a handmade soap in Strawberry Jam and sweet Vanilla Cream.
Donated by-  Dee's Natural Treasures-  Your choice of one pair of handmade earrings made with semi precious stones and free shipping!!!  Some examples are pictured below.

Donated byMe-  A $25 Gift Card to Victoria Nail Supply because they are my favorite E-tailer ever.  As well as the polishes pictured below.

  My collection of Nfu-oh flakies is also going to be ripped from my hands and donated to the prize pool.
My beautiful, beloved.  MY "it" polish. The one I never thought I would have, that found it's own way to me.  My forever lemmed and cherished, never to be held by me again, solitary bottle of China Glaze Cat's Eye.

Additional info-
Look, this fundraiser isn't about me and my nail blog. It's not about my reader count or how many followers I can get.  So, anyone is welcome to enter, follower or not, reader or not. Whether you love me like your mama, or hate me like a bee sting to the retina, everyone that feels the urge is welcome to donate for a chance to win.  No comment is necessary at the end of this post and there are no restrictions on location or amounts donated.

Love, Mugsy The Manatee's Mama

Color Club Rebel Debutante Collection Winner!!!

With only 51 entries the odds were good on this contest!
So number 11 COME ON DOWN...

Chune said...
hi, i'm a follower! and i've mantioned you on my blog and told all my blogger/polishlover friends about you and your giveaway.. Love, Merve   
Congrats Merve!!! Email me at to claim your prize!  And thanks to all who entered! 
Love, MM

Never Go Full Retard- Color Club Rebel Debutante Collection.

The Rebel Debutante Collection has kept Color club just barely from falling off the edge and going "full retard" a la Tropic Thunder my current favorite movie. The formula is better and most polishes are 2 coaters.  There are no stupid glitters, and the color selection except two, one dupe and one monstrosity, is quite good. This collection is also all cremes which makes me very happy. 
  I love this one. Great application and a great nude shade. This was 2 coats.
OH THE HORROR!  What the hell is this?  Oh my god this is so horrifically UGLY.  This was 2 torturous coats.
A pretty light grey. 2 coats, smooth and nice.
 Despite my awful picture this really is a gorgeous dusty red/brown based purple. I love this one. A LOT. 
Glossy classic pink, 2 coats.
Awesome greyish lavender. This applied like butter! Sweet polish.
Super light grey creme. It was nearly a one coater.

Of Color Clubs three new collections, Poptastic, Pardon my French, and Rebel Debutante, this is the one to buy, people. Although it pisses me off that Color Club left the best polish, Gossip Column a gorgeous looking teal, out of the set and you have to buy it separately.  Poptastic is filled with re-promotes from old neon collections, more info on that here.  And, Pardon my French is just plain stupid. But, do keep in mind that one polish from the Rebel Debutante collection is a dupe to another "new" polish.  Twiggie from Poptastic and Rebel debutante from it's namesake collection are the exact same polish.

I'm giving away a brand new set of the Rebel Debutante Collection to one lucky follower to try and redeem myself from giving away the stupid Pardon my French Collection last time. Also because I just like giving stuff away.
Rules for entry are:

1) You must be a follower.
2) You must tell someone else about the giveaway and tell me who you told in the comments.  Blog it, tweet it, email it, link it or speak it, all is fair. Just do not tell your freaking pets, ok.  Don't post and tell me you told your cat or dog and definitely NOT your turtle! 
3) One entry per person.
4) If you would like to tell me your favorite quote from Tropic Thunder, knock yourself out. Mine is, "that smelled just like bologna for some reason".

International readers welcome! Contest ends next Saturday at midnight.

Love, MM

Color Club Pardon my french Winner!

Wow, 141 entries! Out of the lot of you selected one winner.  One lucky winner that I was secretly and seriously PRAYING would not be international because sending that damn ice cream set from last week to Amsterdam nearly cost more than my new car.
Lucky for me today's winner lives in my neck of the woods!  So number 7, Lissi, COME ON DOWN...

Lissi said...
Hey. I'm a follower. Please enter me. I added a link to your page/giveaway on my blog (Nail Addicts Anonymous). The link is on the sidebar under "Giveaway Announcements." Hope you'll check us out. Thanks! Lissi  
Congrats Lissi!!! Email me at to claim your prize! And a big thanks to all who entered!
Love, MM


I cannot keep a secret from you pretty ladies.  Not that I have done a very good job with keeping it secret anyhow.
This adorable set of ice cream shaped nail polishes is the prize for my spamapalooza giveaway.  Dude, it is nail polish shaped like ICE CREAM.  ICE CREAM, people!  
Just look at the little pink handle. This just might be the cutest thing EVER!

So, send me your mani photos @ to enter. Details Here.

Amish hair.

So, I have really long wavy hair and, what I think, are pretty long nails.  It occurred to me this morning that there is a good possibility that when viewed by a total stranger, I may appear to be Amish.  Either Amish, or that other religion where the women are only allowed to wear jean skirts down to their ankles.  You know those people?  No offense to the jean skirt religion or anything.  I just don't really adore the idea of being mistaken for one of them.  I guess if anyone DID mistake me for one of the "skirt wearers" they would assume I was a sinner in the eyes of my religion because I would obviously be wearing pants.  I guess it's better to be categorized as a "sinner skirt wearer" than a "regular skirt wearer" because I would never be caught dead in a JEAN freakin SKIRT.  

The whole Amish thing sent me into a bit of a panic though.  It was rather distressing for me to think that ANYONE had ever looked at me walking through the wal-mart parking lot and come to the conclusion that I arrived there via Horse drawn carriage, and most likely I was only out and about in "town" because I finished churning a weeks worth of butter ahead of schedule.  So, I ran to the bathroom with my camera and spent about 30 minutes facing away from my full length mirror holding my camera over my head trying to get a picture of the back of my hair.  I desperately needed this picture so I could post it on MUA and sadly plea for them to tell me I don't look Amish.

Have you ever taken a candid photo of the back of yourself?  It goes smoothly, and the idea seems totally fine and innocent until the part comes where you SEE THE PICTURES.  The horrific mistake you have made will instantly become crystal clear.  

Looking Amish is the last thing you will ever worry about when looking at full length pictures of the back of yourself.  The first thing that happens when you begin to look through the photos is a frantic search for the DELETE KEY, on your keyboard.  Once your finger is firmly placed upon it and you have thoroughly checked that the coast is clear, the next thing that happens is your mouth subconsciously turns into a hateful scowl.  As you scroll through the photos it slowly morphs from this witchlike scowl into a full on jaw drop.  "WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN?"  Is the third step. This takes place in the form of a shrill shriek escaping from your throat.  The sound of it will only piss you off even more.  Because now not only do you have a fat ass, but you ALSO sound like a nagging, harpy, shrew.

The most disturbing trend I noticed during the hours I spent scrutinizing each and every photo of my ass, was that in every single one I have a wedgie.  Ok, what am I missing here?  Has my ass really grown so large that my nerve endings have spread out to the point where I can no longer detect fabric wedged UP it?  That can't possibly be it.  So it must be that at some point in time I forgot to pick a wedgie for long enough that I became used to the sensation and no-longer notice it.  YEAH, that makes a lot more sense than the whole "Your ass is just fat." conclusion.

I really hope you weren't thinking I was going to post any of the aforementioned photos.  If you were, you are hilarious.  What I AM going to do is give away a BRAND spankin' new bottle of Borghese Stellare Notte.
Gorgeous huh?  I cannot provide swatches of it for you because I myself don't even own a bottle of this.  A quick google search will tell you all you need to know about this hot tamale of a polish. 

THE RULES- are the same as always.  You need to TELL someone about the giveaway.  Email, tweet, blog, post, link, whisper, scream, text, sing, screech, type, or scribble about it to SOMEONE.  Then leave me a comment and tell me who you told in order to enter.  No entries after 12pm Friday the 26th.  International readers are welcome as always!

Zoya Promotion! Get 2 free polishes!

From tomorrow to Friday spend $10 at Zoya, Qtica or ArtofBeauty and get 2 free Zoyas of your choice!  Just add the polishes you would like free to your cart and enter promo code NYFW at checkout. 
I am not affiliated with Zoya but their polish is pretty awesome so I'm just passing the word!  FYI- If I were you I would buy Casey and Pinta, then Get Ibiza and Envy free, but that's just me.  

Ya Rly Giveaway Winner!

Last weeks give away was a bottle of Orly Enchanted Forest and a bottle of Matte Magic topcoat.  That post and comments can be seen here.

Out of the 44 comments, 4 people didn't want to enter.  So I used the number 40 in the random number generator so I would not decrease the odds of winning.  
Number 40 come on down...

Teresa said...
I told my girlfriends about it at dinner last night :) thanks!!  
Congrats Teresa!!!   Email me at to claim your prize!!!   
Thanks to everyone who entered!    
Oh, yeah.  Don't think I didn't notice that a few of you shysters did not exactly follow the rules.  I let it slide this time because none of you won.  But next time when it's time to pick a winner I will be deleting the comments that did not pay attention to the freakin' protocol.  So there! 

Ya Rly

Orly is quickly becoming one of my favorite brands.  Between them and Misa they are starting to give China Glaze a serious run for their money.   The rubberized handles are simply perfection.  I also am totally in love with the fact that the bottles look really large, they are heavy, solid, and feel like they are great quality.  They are really doing the trick for my bottle fetish.  The color selection is pretty good too.  I just really wish they had more blue and green cremes.  But I am covered on pink, red and purple cremes from them, holy crap.  
This is about as close to straight up pink as I allow myself to buy anymore. I just have too many pinks.  That's a real problem because pink is not my thing.  This is 2 coats. 
Gorgeous!  From the promo pics I thought this would be more of a true red but it isn't.  Its a gorgeous reddish purpley raspberry color and I adore it!  2 coats.
Another wonderful red creme added to my stash.  This is perfection in a bottle my friends.  I cannot get enough of good red cremes.  This one is so smooth, not too orange, and dries SO shiny.  2 coats.
Gah!  Love!  Super dark, vampy, red jelly.  It's got some brown in it but not too much.  It's killer awesome.  3 coats.  I really needed this when I did my vampies comparison but I didn't have it then so whatever.  My guess is that this one is right between Zoya Casey and Misa Love Bite.
So this is a tad less blue than shown here because my camera is the devil and loves to add more blue to anything purple.  It's so pretty though.  It's also a dead on dupe to Zoya Lael. 2 coats.

I've been dying to start another giveaway and it's been nearly impossible to wait until the first one was over.  But today I woke up in a foul mood with an incredibly sore throat from snoring and walked into my kitchen to find 4, count them FOUR, piles of Manatee crap.  FOUR!  We aren't talking 4 little nuggets here folks, there were four PILES.  He must have been saving it up all day like some sort of mobile poop piggy bank.  Do you know what that means?  It means that little butt hole got OUT of the bed with me on FOUR separate occasions, sauntered into my freaken kitchen, did his circle dance, and pinched a loaf.  Each time returned to my bed and snuggling back up with me in the warm covers as if he hadn't just shit in my kitchen!  He is STILL snuggled up in the warm bed this very minute!

So my morning got kicked off to a great start on my hands and knees on the freezing cold floor, scrubbing up Manatee presents.  After I collected myself, showered and had a few sips of coffee I realized a grand realization people!  This is my shit and I can do whatever I want!  So today the new giveaway starts!  
The new prize is a new bottle of Orly Enchanted forest, a gorgeous green creme, and a brand spanking new bottle of Matte Magic Top coat. 
Here is my swatch of enchanted forest, don't worry I have two bottles. 

The rules are the same as last time.  Tell somebody, link somebody, email somebody or whisper to a stranger in the checkout line about the contest and post who you told in the comments.  International followers welcome!  Contest ends Next Monday at midnight.

Dear Groundhog,

For the sake of all of us please BITE the crap out of that dude that takes you out of the fake box you live in all year, yeah RIGHT, to see if you can see your shadow.  He needs a serious reality check. Apparently the people that run the whole "Pulling the groundhog out of the box" event are a group of people that have never heard of the tradition before.

They just grab you, you poor little groundhog, and hold you up like a circus freak for all to see and NOBODY even pretends to look for a freakin shadow.  The tradition is not so culturally relevant that it can be minimized to this point and still be carried on throughout the years.  Like Christmas and Easter, the meaning is diminished but the tradition still holds it's importance.  But YOU little groundhog are not so important.  You see, if that moron that holds you up doesn't bother to LOOK for a shadow nobody gives 2 shits if you get taken out of that stupid fake box on the news once a year.

I think most of us think the groundhog is so super cute and just like Groundhog Day because we want to see a fuzzy little groundhog.  Well  Google is your friend. Viola! We can see a groundhog on any day, at any time!  Now, let's get that idiot that picks up the groundhog on the phones in a major banks call center and in charge of peoples bank accounts STAT!

I was all set last night to do a Groundhog Day manicure because I like to use holidays as excuses to do gaudy, cutesy, uncool nail art that I would otherwise not be caught dead wearing.  But then it occurred to me that Groundhog Day is a retarded holiday and not a good enough excuse to do anything.

So, instead of swatches, and in hopes of perking up this dumb holiday I'm going to do my first giveaway!  Up for grabs is a brand spankin' new bottle of  Seche Vite Dry fast Top Coat.  So, if you have never tried it here is your chance. Or, if you love it like me here is a shot at a free refill.

Oh yes, all this could be yours. To enter I am going to ask that you simply tell someone about the giveaway. Yep that's it, you can link somebody, email your Aunt Vicky, whisper it to your Grandma, mention it in passing to the checkout dude at wal-mart, all is fair.  I need some eyes on my blahg people!

So leave me a comment at the bottom of this post and say who you told and you're in dudes.  Contest ends next Tuesday at midnight. I will choose a winner randomly using that generator thingy.  I promise my next giveaway won't be so lame.

Love, MM
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