Showing posts with label winner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label winner. Show all posts

The Nfu-Oh pro is...


Katie swooped in at the last second and with total confidence guessed all 3 polishes correctly on her first try!  She truly is an nfu-oh pro! 
Congrats Katie! Email me @ to claim your prize!

Love, MM

Boston Terrier Fundraiser and Giveaway WINNER!!!

First of all I am sorry for the delay. I have been without internet for what seems like an eternity and I had to drive an hour to my mama's house to post this! 

I am happy to announce our Giveaway Raised $205 dollars!!!  Thank you to all who donated from the bottom of my heart.  It means the world to rescues to have people reach out and help.

Now for the meat and potatoes. The prize pool can be seen here.  AND THE WINNER IS... Lucisek!!!  Congrats Dude!  With all the loot you've won all I can think is- Please god don't be international!!! LOL! 

So, Lucisek Email me at using the same email you used to donate and we will get you hooked the EF UP, Girlfriend!

Love, MM


Color Club Rebel Debutante Collection Winner!!!

With only 51 entries the odds were good on this contest!
So number 11 COME ON DOWN...

Chune said...
hi, i'm a follower! and i've mantioned you on my blog and told all my blogger/polishlover friends about you and your giveaway.. Love, Merve   
Congrats Merve!!! Email me at to claim your prize!  And thanks to all who entered! 
Love, MM

Color Club Pardon my french Winner!

Wow, 141 entries! Out of the lot of you selected one winner.  One lucky winner that I was secretly and seriously PRAYING would not be international because sending that damn ice cream set from last week to Amsterdam nearly cost more than my new car.
Lucky for me today's winner lives in my neck of the woods!  So number 7, Lissi, COME ON DOWN...

Lissi said...
Hey. I'm a follower. Please enter me. I added a link to your page/giveaway on my blog (Nail Addicts Anonymous). The link is on the sidebar under "Giveaway Announcements." Hope you'll check us out. Thanks! Lissi  
Congrats Lissi!!! Email me at to claim your prize! And a big thanks to all who entered!
Love, MM

Spamapalooza Winners!

First of all let me introduce the judges.

*insert drum roll here*
Step Child Judge # Oneeeeeeeeeee-
She's 10 and after the argument we decided the reason she get's to be judge #1 is it's her birthday and Judge #2 is GROUNDED.  Her NOTD is claire's mood changing polish in blue/teal.  She really needs to brush her hair and teeth and won't stop begging to go to Golden Corral.  

*more drum rolling*

Step Child Judge # Twoooooooooooo-
She is 12 but wants me to lie and say she is 13 because her birthday is in 3 months, which is another lie its in 4 months, anybody got any ideas why this child is grounded?  Her NOTD is claire's mood changing polish in purple/pink glitter.  She was supposed to read a chapter in her book earlier for homework and totally faked reading it, she really thinks I bought it.

 ... And the winners are!

First Place-
Revvvolution met Worth the risque Konad 03.jpg

Second Place-
 accidentalstar from MUA
Two coats of American Apparel Peacock with Konad plate M60

Congrats to the winners and thanks to everyone that participated.  Winners- email me at to claim your prizes.

Love, MM

Stellare Notte Giveaway Winner!

Here we go!
So, number 12 come on down...

Clara said... Ah, I love your anecdotes. They never fail to crack me up... and I actually thought you were going to post that pic of your backside. FAIL.

I told my boyfriend :)

Congrats Clara! Email me at to claim your prize!  Thanks to everyone who entered!

Ya Rly Giveaway Winner!

Last weeks give away was a bottle of Orly Enchanted Forest and a bottle of Matte Magic topcoat.  That post and comments can be seen here.

Out of the 44 comments, 4 people didn't want to enter.  So I used the number 40 in the random number generator so I would not decrease the odds of winning.  
Number 40 come on down...

Teresa said...
I told my girlfriends about it at dinner last night :) thanks!!  
Congrats Teresa!!!   Email me at to claim your prize!!!   
Thanks to everyone who entered!    
Oh, yeah.  Don't think I didn't notice that a few of you shysters did not exactly follow the rules.  I let it slide this time because none of you won.  But next time when it's time to pick a winner I will be deleting the comments that did not pay attention to the freakin' protocol.  So there! 

Seche Vite giveaway Winner!

After removing my own posts so I wouldn't change the odds of winning, I used the generator at to choose a winner out of the 26 entries (wow, good odds people).
So, the winner is-

Anneli said...
Lol, I e-mailed my mom and my sister-in-law. Those are the only two nail fanatics I know of besides me and I don't have a blog... so... :p Is this by the way open to international readers? I'm from Sweden.          
Congrats dude! Email me at to claim your prize! Thanks to everyone who entered!
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