Wine infused Guilt driven giveaway


I feel terrible for not posting everyday.  I feel awful that people take time out of there surfing/day to check my blog and find they have wasted their time.

Wanna know a secret?  I feel so guilty for not posting that I can barely bring myself to access teh interwebz at all.  Seriously, I barely even check my email anymore.  It's all because of this blarring icon at the top of my firefox tab, "the manicured manatee".  It floats there, above the task at hand, badgering me, stoning me with insults, "you don't post anymore, you're letting down your readers, you piece of crap look at all this polish waiting for your google friends to see, you shouldn't have cut your hair off"

So, in my wine saturated and guilty state, here is a new giveaway.  Guess how many polishes I have.  The closest without going over wins.  The first person to guess a number has dibs on that number. Post in the comments section, dont worry my comments are moderated but will still show up in the order they were posted. 

The prize isnt some GIANT FANTASTICAL MAGICAL  package.  It's just one pretty polish, a brand new bottle of Nfu_Oh 52.  This contest is open to everyone.  All though only two of ALL of my contest winners have been US shipments and NOT pricey international shipments, I haven't learned my lesson.

Contest ends tomorrow at 8PM EST.

Love, MM

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